Monday, 14 November 2016

Invasion - In 2020, everything is different, online war on the real-time battlefield

Invasion - In 2020, everything is different, online war on the real-time battlefield

We live in 2015 and we are doing relatively well. But a game to start over a great year 2015 would probably not be so the Renner. So it's off to the future, more precisely to the year 2020. And since every developer (like a director in a film) has a flourishing imagination, 2020 a postapokalyptischen invasion falls almost all governments and cities. I've looked at the 3D real-time strategy game invasion times for you.
The sound of explosions and the smell of destruction will make you awake. This war is all wars beginning, this is invasion. Lieutenant Tanya (na clearly again belly-free, sexy-hexy with eyelashing eyes) presents you the basis. You fly over the city in a helicopter, and your base awaits the orders for reconstruction.
Lieutenant Tanya will introduce you to your base.
Lieutenant Tanya will introduce you to your base.
The Tasks bar shows you what to do.
The Tasks bar shows you what to do.
In your weapon factories you produce tanks and helicopters.
In your weapon factories you produce tanks and helicopters.
You can see the so-called task bar. This contains important notes and is located at the bottom of the screen. First you build a farm. You will receive rewards for each completed task. At the bottom of the screen is the Tasks tab. It contains the basic tasks, daily tasks, alliance tasks and day goals. In the basic tasks you see the tasks already done and get the rewards.Then you build a banknote and a weapon factory to equip your troops. Buildings that require less than 5 minutes of construction time can be completed free of charge. You also create units and equip them with tanks and helicopters.
To capture resources, you attack your enemies.
To capture resources, you attack your enemies.
The right attack is the key to victory.
The right attack is the key to victory.
You attack your enemy with tanks and helicopters.  Rockets fly.
You attack your enemy with tanks and helicopters. Rockets fly.
By attacking your enemies, you get new resources. You can find your enemies by clicking on the tab card at the bottom of the screen. You tap the base of your enemy and then click the attack button. You create an attack. This is the key to victory. The attack starts, you are on the battlefield. The fight is automatic.Helicopters shoot rockets on tanks, shoot tanks on helicopters, mouth fire appears. Smoking rubbles hit vehicles fly around. With good luck the battle is won.You click on the back button and you have the possibility to join an alliance not to go to war alone.Your introduction to invasion is now complete. You are a trained commander.
A helicopter crashes to the ground.
A helicopter crashes to the ground.
In the first 24 hours you have puppy protection.  Your base is not attacked.
In the first 24 hours you have puppy protection.Your base is not attacked.
You get rewards for accomplishing the various day goals.
You get rewards for accomplishing the various day goals.
You are giving orders now and you receive 200 diamonds as a reward. A mail is in your mailbox. You get two free Newbie Teleports. You can find them with your items and you can use them up to Level 5. The teleports are then deactivated. You use the Teleports to teleport you to any unlocked zone on the map or to other Alliance members. We also recommend a connection to Facebook to ensure the security of your account and to receive additional rewards.
You can chat with other players via the chat.
You can chat with other players via the chat.
In order not to go to war alone, you join an alliance.
In order not to go to war alone, you join an alliance.
You expand your base with other buildings.
You expand your base with other buildings.
And since you are still a new commander you are in the 24-hour peace sign. This means that you can take care of your base in the next 24 hours without fear of an attack. You build research labs, a black market, workshops and improve already existing buildings.With the rewards you earn, you will improve your character and your troops.
Your commander is improved by the rewards earned.
Your commander is improved by the rewards earned.
You raise your buildings to improve them.
You raise your buildings to improve them.
Invasion is an online war game in good 3D graphics.Attack and defense, building a separate empire and a war state as well as urban planning. Personally, however, it is too confusing.

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