Monday, 14 November 2016

Last Empire War Z - Attack the zombies in the Clash of Clans style

Last Empire War Z - Attack the zombies in the Clash of Clans style

Zombies, everywhere zombies, wherever you look. Ever since The Walking Dead has overrun the TV landscape, everyone is a bit of a zombie. On Halloween anyway, and even my straight-cut slices looks like brain. In the Last Empire War Z game, you have to protect the survivors from the attack of the undead.
Last Empire War Z you play alone or with others by joining an alliance. A city protected by a few soldiers with machine guns emerges. A woman says that a big wave of zombies penetrates. Your comrades need your help. The zombies have broken out of a nearby prison.
Take care of the zombies.
Take care of the zombies.
Bloodthirsty zombies attack your base.
Bloodthirsty zombies attack your base.
You need a lot of soldiers to defend your base.
You need a lot of soldiers to defend your base.
The scenery swings within the city walls. A field is framed in blue. You click on it to build an army camp and have more soldiers. The Army Camp Level 1 is completed. You click on the finished building and then on the button. Your infantry will be trained to fight the zombies. First, you make a defender. Other fighters are unlocked at higher levels. With the completion, a fight begins with support from the air. The machine gun leaks are released to the zombies. Many of them die.But they will return.
You build an army camp to train soldiers.
You build an army camp to train soldiers.
You need defenders to guard the walls of your base.
You need defenders to guard the walls of your base.
A bloodthirsty spectacle takes place outside your walls.
A bloodthirsty spectacle takes place outside your walls.
It is time to push forward the development of your base. First you raise your flag. Like-minded people run to your city. They seek shelter and ask for admission.There is a food center in your town. With one click, food is spared in 24 hours real time. A walkie-talkie on the left side of the screen gives you your next task.You should train 10 defenders. You click again on your army camp and increase the number of defenders. For 10 apprentices, the app needs more than 3 minutes.For each completed task, you receive rewards in the form of food.
You raise your flag.
You raise your flag.
Talk about the walkie-talkie.
Talk about the walkie-talkie.
You increase the level of your base.
You increase the level of your base.
Http://, you increase the bases on level 2 to get better tasks. On the right-hand side of the screen, a letter icon shows your incoming mails. You get a beginner teleportation (to move your city to another location, currently you are in New York), a newbie reward to change your avatar and a 60 minute vip status. Outside of your city walls you will be bored with oil and grown food. Finished resources are indicated by an icon. You click on it to collect the resources.
Every construction and improvement takes a certain time.
Every construction and improvement takes a certain time.
If necessary, you join an alliance.
If necessary, you join an alliance.
The world out there is occupied by zombies of all kinds.
The world out there is occupied by zombies of all kinds.
By clicking on the Alliance symbol at the bottom right, there is the possibility to join other players and send them the zombies together in the eternal hunting grounds. You will receive 200 diamonds for joining.The button "The World" shows you the zombie world outside your base. So-called wander zombies are running around here. These are also available in different levels. You start with the zombies in level 1. You kill them to make booty. To do this, click on the attack button and select those of your soldiers to do the attack. They move from your base to the selected zombie to get him out of the box.
The Wandering Zombie is your first opponent.
The Wandering Zombie is your first opponent.
You choose how many soldiers to start the attack.
You choose how many soldiers to start the attack.
After the automatic turmoil and a defeat, your soldiers return home. You will receive a zombie report by mail, in which your defeat is announced. It's not easy to kill a zombie, the guys are tough. You have not had enough power yet. Your first victory you will also be sent back in a mail.
The soldiers march off.
The soldiers march off.
After the automatic battle, you will receive an email with victory or defeat.
After the automatic battle, you will receive an email with victory or defeat.
The Wandering Zombie has defended itself.
The Wandering Zombie has defended itself.
Back at your base, you build a logistics center. Here are soldiers massaged (I hope the translation is true, because the German version of the app is not completely flawless). Ok, here soldiers are recruited.After that, you are building a shooter camp to start more soldiers training. Furthermore, you plan fields for food production, find oil sources and build a refuge.
After the translation of the app, your soldiers are massaged in the logistics center ;-)
After the translation of the app, your soldiers are massaged in the logistics center 😉
Click on the music system to play the zombies with loud metal.
Click on the music system to play the zombies with loud metal.
They arrive and are killed.  You get a reward.
They arrive and are killed. You get a reward.
At the gate of your base is a music system. Click on the play button to drag many zombies. You can kill them to get as many trophies as possible. Screeching metal bursts out of the boxes. The zombies are coming. Immediately you open the fire and kill it. You get rewards. After a time of 2 minutes 50 seconds, you can play the music again.
You can get rewards to increase the level.
You can get rewards to increase the level.
For the first zombie killing you get much needed prey.
For the first zombie killing you get much needed prey.
The zombies are running around your base. Some are marked with a blue circle. With a click on the zombie, there are oil reserves. You build on your city to increase your level. In your inventory, you'll find the items you've earned. These can be construction shorteners and accelerators, resource kicks, endurance points, and vip status. The longer you play, the more areas are unlocked in zombie land. If you do not play, you will receive push messages if a building is completed.
Different areas are only unlocked by higher levels.
Different areas are only unlocked by higher levels.
Zombies, which are marked with a blue circle outside your base, you kill with a fingertip.
Zombies, which are marked with a blue circle outside your base, you kill with a fingertip.
The zombies lurk at every corner. Protect yourself and your surviving soldiers from an attack and bring the zombies around the corner. The operation is simple and the time runs only so far. Ideal for a rainy weekend.
Last Empire War Z is available free of charge in the Play Store. The app does not display ads. In-app purchase, you'll get more diamonds to fight the zombies. You can also go without in-app purchases quite well.

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